
cover girl 封面女郎。

cover note

Kim s salary for i dreamed of africa 2000 was 5 , 000 , 000 - putting her firmly in the category of big - name movie star . and no doubt there are still many great things ahead , in the career of cover girl turned oscar - winning actress kim basinger 有了美滿家庭的她這回不再盲目的接拍電影了,獲獎之后又過了三年,才終于在今年又接拍新片“ i dreamed of africa “ 。

Barrymore , 32 , graces the cover of the issue that hits newsstands friday . it ' s her fourth time on the list , but first as cover girl 32歲的巴里摩爾登上將于周五出版的本期《人物》雜志的封面。這是她第四次入選《人物》雜志年度“百位最美麗人物”排行榜,但成為封面女郎還是第一次。

Cnn also showed an antique life magazine of which madame chiang was the cover girl as well as a photo taken of madame chiang and us first lady elenor roosevelt Cnn更展示一以蔣夫人為封面人物的老舊雜志,其中有蔣夫人和美國前第一夫人愛琳娜羅斯福的合照。

The pillow - lipped actress graces the cover of people ' s “ 100 most beautiful people “ issue , on newsstands friday . it ' s her fourth time on the list , but first as cover girl 這是安吉莉娜第四次榮登“最美”排行榜,但成為此刊的封面女郎,還是第一次。

Barrymore , 32 , graces the cover of the issue that hits newsstands friday . it ' s her fourth time on the list , but first as cover girl 這是她第四次入選人物雜志年度“百位最美麗人物”排行榜,但成為封面女郎還是第一次。

Reporter : the former cover girl found herself in the middle of a big fat scandal 記者:前封面女郎發現她正處在一條勁爆負面新聞的旋渦當中

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